So I finally got my internet connection where I live. AT&T was quite slow to deliver, but I got it in the end. 😛
Anyway, I just want to say that I’m good here in San Diego. Nice city, nice weather (most of the time), nice people. I haven’t done much useful the last weeks since my school doesn’t start before September 16th, so basically I’ve been on vacation and getting settled in. I’ve actually bought a car as well (for $1600 or ~10000 NOK) because the public transportation here is…  not that great and it’s so fun to drive here. 🙂
This weekend I actually went on a little road trip to Mountain View (close to San Fransisco) to visit a friend (Torbjørn, a norwegian classmate) who works at Facebook for the summer. I got to see the insides of their headquarters as well and it was awsome. We also had a trip to San Fransisco, which was a really nice city.
The rest of the days I’ve been here I’ve tried to learn to surf (which is quite fun) and snorkeling (which is awsome because of all the life in the sea around here). I’ve been swimming with leopard sharks, stingrays and a lot of other sea creatures.
Anyway, pictures will come soonish I hope. When I can get arsed to resize and post them 😉
Oh, by the way… you won’t reach me on my old phone number. But I can be reached on (+1) 619-397-8175. Or online from now on.
See ya all.
Herlighet, det høres ut som om du har det helt fantastisk! Utrolig stilig alt du har opplevd, jeg gleder meg til å se bilder 😀
(Og tenk å ha sommerjobb hos Facebook da, det bør se greit ut på CV-en, det 😛 )
No way it’s better to snorkle there than in randsfjorden! Oh, and I found your blog! Yay me!
Hah! 🙂
Yeah I wish I’ve been more active on updating it. I haven’t written anything in quite a while 😛